


Leading kids to Love God. Follow Jesus. Serve Others.

When you entrust us with your child, we do not take that lightly! Redeemer Kids provides safe, clean and fun environments as we teach from the Bible, sing songs, and participate in activities to connect kids to the lesson and to each other.

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The student ministry at Redeemer exists to connect teens to Christ. We strive to create safe environments that allow students to know, experience, and serve Jesus in community.

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Our adult ministries at Redeemer are designed to help you take your next step of faith in a practical and relevant way. Whether that is getting baptized, joining a study group, growing in a parenting class, or finding a place to jump in and serve, we have a next step that’s right for you.

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You were made for community. You need it, and someone needs you. Get connected to a group and let's start doing life in Jesus together!

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Redeemer is on the GO! From our humble beginnings as a mission plant in 1974, that missional DNA is core to who we are. Thus, serving and outreach is part of all we do, seen in a variety of ways: Volunteering with food distribution at G.R.A.C.E., regular local servant events, Teen Challenge presentations, supporting international missions, and much more.

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